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How A Wood Craft Helps You Realize Your Dream

Updated: Mar 21

Hey there, I'm Anarica, but people also know me as Anagrapika in the business world. I've been an SEO content writer for numerous foreign and local clients but today marks a new chapter as I debut my first blog post on my website! I also want to approach my sharing of knowledge and experience through the form of storytelling.

In this blog, you'll learn about the story behind "Pressing Dreams," a wood craft that holds an exciting experience and realization for an artist like me—and potentially, for you too.

Wood craft by Anagrapika
Anagrapika's Woodcraft called "Pressing Dreams"

How Did I Get Started With Wood Craft Workshop?

If you're anything like me, always fascinated by woodworking videos and eager to try it yourself, imagine the thrill of stumbling upon an incredible opportunity to do just that—for free! That's exactly how my wood crafting journey began.

I was invited by a good art master, Kuya Ralph Lauren Barola, also known as The Art of Ralph Lauren, to join a free workshop hosted by Neoma Galleria on November 25, 2023. They featured the "Mubabao Wooden Blocks” designed by Sir Michał Malinowski, the Museum Director at the Mubabao StoryTeller Museum in Poland. He designed each wooden block to form almost an infinite number of craft ideas, depending on an artist's mind. 

Bringing Buddies To Maximize The Joy of Wood Crafting

When I heard that it’s free, I realized that I didn’t want to solo the experience. So, to make my first wood craft experience extra special, I invited my friend, Franz.

She's an explorer like me and a spectacular creative photographer at heart. You can check out her captivating shots on Instagram @photobyfranz. Plus, she's a talented event's host, so if you ever need one, don't hesitate to reach out to her! (I'll be inserting our pictures from her camera in the upcoming sections, so keep reading!)

I also invited my family to the workshop, which both my mom and sister agreed to. I was thinking it's a perfect time that they could seize a growth opportunity and  have a bond with me. 

There was even an option for certificates if you wanted to pay. So my sister and I invested in it, since we’re both working on creative fields. Plus, this is a special event for me. I also knew I’ll learn or relearn something in this workshop and a certificate will validate that experience. 

What Wood Crafting Can Do To A Person

With our minds open and our somewhat hands ready for this new experience, we eagerly dove into the world of wood crafting with wood, and the magic began to unfold.

The Wooden Blocks Reveal Blockages

When we started building, I vividly remember the sensation of my confidence waning as I grappled with uncertainty. It was the first time in a while that I felt unsure of what to do, especially in an artistic context.

I remember I always used to be fast at conceiving potential concepts, especially when the clock was ticking and if there was another group involved. I hadn't realized that I might be deemed competitive until that moment. All I could remember was that I always enjoyed the process of making sense of things and having people see, appreciate, or understand them.

As I looked at the scattered wood pieces on my table, unreleased stress was bubbling beneath the surface and it yearned for a release. Plus, seeing a lot of these awesome Mubabao wooden blocks makes my mind want to do a lot of things! I've always been a planner so I might have been overwhelmed with all the possibilities I could do. 

I've also experienced two things at once given my own experience before the wood crafting.

Do you know the feeling of your brain suddenly being off while also being a bit all over the place after being accustomed to relentless work? In psychology, this experience can be branded as 'cognitive fatigue' or 'decision fatigue,' depending on the context.

It felt as though my mind pleaded for this chance to unwind and allow my hands to work their magic once more, after being mind-fried from a barrage of computer-related tasks over the past year.

Wood craft pieces scattered
"Wood craft pieces scattered" Photo by Neoma Galleria

The Wooden Blocks as Building Blocks

My sentiment echoed Sir Michał's words before our creative session began. He emphasized the wide-ranging benefits of Mubabao blocks, noting their suitability for individuals of all ages, from children to seniors.

Sir Michał underscored the importance of kinesthetic movements in nurturing creativity and brain management or development, highlighting their role in both cognitive enhancement and social interaction. He also emphasized the importance of storytelling in the crafting process, suggesting that a well-formed narrative can enhance both the creation and explanation of one's craft.

Photo of Sir Michal by Franz
Photo of Sir Michal by Franz

Emerging From The Woods

After taking a brief bathroom break and allowing myself some time to  decompress, I returned to my workspace with a renewed sense of clarity.

In that moment, I made a conscious decision to follow my instincts and let my heart and mind guide my hands to enjoy the process. 

It was in this relaxed state that I began to notice the gradual formation of something familiar, a creation that resonated with my own experiences or thoughts.

Nailing Objectives 

One of the best ways to navigate through crafting is to take time on observing.

So, I continued to examine the wooden components. I noticed the presence of wheels, sticks, and sprockets.

I realized that these are mechanical parts. It inspired me to create something more than just a pretty display. The potential for functionality intrigued me, and I was determined to incorporate it into my craft.

However, I also wanted to ensure that my creation stood out, avoiding the trap of clichés or the obvious choices often associated with wheels and other wooden parts I saw. It was a delicate balance between utility and innovation, but I was excited by the challenge it presented.

Mubabao Wooden Blocks Photo Taken by Neoma Galleria
Mubabao Wooden Blocks Photo Taken by Neoma Galleria

Lifting The Veil of Mystery From Every Grain

So when I was building, only that goal of mine was clear. I was just enjoying wood crafting until I realized that I was making something I'm familiar with, and even close to home.

I saw that I'm making a mini house… with a stamp to be precise. I affectionately call it a “miniature medieval print press” because, let's be honest, it has that antique rustic vibe that adds a sprinkle of mysticism and history to its design.

Thoughtful Designing: Adding Familiarity on Main Features 

Now, let's talk about the stamps I made. I incorporated two main ones featuring a wooden cat and owl.

The cat? It's not just a cute design motif. It's a symbol of my beloved pet and a reminder of the resilience and determination that mirrors our journey—I fought for my black furry companion in a household initially resistant to the idea.

And the owl? Well, that's just a whimsical touch, a nod to the mystical realm, like having a familiar pet in a wizardly world. I also added a side sprocket that pulls double duty as a paper holder and an extra stamp.

I even added a swing, so those who’ll use it can have a playful element for customization. For instance, adding some fake plants, keychains, LED lights, and so on, depending on what the user finds important. 

Realizing The Real Meaning of My Wood Craft “Pressing Dreams”

Now, let's get real. The road to my craft named "Pressing Dreams" wasn't a smooth one. Not just literally with how I created it but also symbolically. I realized that the familiar shapes I’m making are my life’s aspirations because of my life experiences.

Let me tell you how I relate this craft to what’s in my heart. I was an aspiring architecture student and I was able to study it for a year. Perhaps this craft's structure stemmed from that experience. During my studies, I achieved a Presidential Academic Award.

However, post-pandemic life has been hard for everyone and even the institution. They suddenly changed their policies and I was only able to get a Vice President Discount. It was not enough to continue studying my dream program, especially since my family has been struggling post-pandemic too.

But from that challenge, a new determination emerged. I realized that I can use what I have and what I will possess so that I can help our situation and others who are in the same position. 

So, with a revived laptop, I bravely ventured into freelancing, starting with graphic design and later delving into SEO content writing and employment. Then, I found and was given an opportunity to study in our country’s Top State University.

I'm now grateful to pursue a program related to my career path and experience which is BA Multimedia Studies in an Open University System offered by the University of The Philippines. 

The struggles during my educational hiatus weren't in vain. They became the inspiration behind creating opportunities for myself and others. This passion for assisting fellow students and business owners ignited, and I found a way to offer support, skills, and knowledge through my business.

My wood craft made me picture the pieces of my long-time bigger-picture dream and how my actions follow suit. I made a print press because it is about pressing not only my dreams but also extending a hand to press the dreams, visions, or imaginations of others.

In other words, my vision goes beyond personal success; it's about uplifting and empowering a community of dreamers, imprinting their dreams for the world to see. I believe that doing so can also spark a potential inspiring revolution, just like the historical impact of actual print presses.

What makes my craft extra special and why I call it rustic-styled is that it is made of wood, just like how the material for the world's first print press started. It symbolizes my humble beginnings and my unwavering willingness to evolve and be innovative.

I was pleased with how my craft turned out. I realized I really poured out the things I couldn’t yet verbalize but my senses already knew. It’s as if the universe knew what I needed that day and the days to come. 

Moreover, I had the opportunity to witness the works of those around me and hear their stories. One piece that particularly resonated with me was Franz's craft, which centered around the Anti Jeepney Phaseout movement. I found it incredibly inspiring and impactful, as it demonstrated a commitment to fighting for a cause greater than oneself.

I was also grateful that she brought her cool DSLR camera. That's why we were able to take cute snaps that I’ll treasure forever. 

My journey, marked by pauses and pivots, is a testament to the transformative power of art and determination. Through "Pressing Dreams" I invite you to see not only the beauty in the craft but the beauty in the journey—a journey of leaving a lasting mark to inspire, empower, and ignite dreams. Join me in pressing dreams, won't you?

Do You Want To Partake In Realizing This Dream?

To purchase our crafted wood pieces, you can easily reach out to Neoma Galleria through their social media channels or website. Alternatively, you can contact Ms. Marie Criselda Basilio directly at 09615446580. I'm grateful to them for exhibiting our artworks!

If you're interested in exploring more of my artwork, creations, or to learn from me personally, feel free to connect with me on my website or social media pages with the handle @anagrapika

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